
Identity and Place

Blas' OCA Learning Blog



Assignment 5: Removing the figure

I would like to end this course with an assignment where I reflect on a topic directly related to my feelings. I do not want to make a long theoretical introduction as in previous works, presenting to the reader a long reasoning of motivations, I will simply say, as a preamble, that this series wants to be a tribute to my mother, enclosed for more than three years, in the pain and forgetfulness of a degenerative disease that initially robbed her ability to speak and progressively has deteriorated the rest of her faculties. Continue reading “Assignment 5: Removing the figure”

Assignment 4: Image and Text

Throughout history, man has questioned the reason for his existence, seeking an explanation for countless unanswered questions and trying to decipher puzzling paradoxes that were beyond the reach of his understanding. The desire for knowledge, to explore the unknown and have all the answers under control, is in the DNA of the human being, forming an intrinsic part of his identity, which lead him to seek these answers in art, religion, philosophy and science. Continue reading “Assignment 4: Image and Text”

Lensculture Review

This week I’ve received the Lensculture review for the series of pictures that I sent for the Portrait Awards 2017. The mood of the feedback is positive although it insists on the two or three weakness of the series, which it’s great to help me to know how a trained viewer perceive my work. Continue reading “Lensculture Review”

Assignment Three: Mirrors and Windows

Emigration has influenced the evolution of many Galician families during a substantial part of the 20th century, especially in the years following the Spanish Civil War: Latin America and many European countries hosted thousands of Galician people. Entire families departed from the ports of Vigo and La Coruña in the hope of a better future in distant lands. Continue reading “Assignment Three: Mirrors and Windows”

Assignment 2: Viceversa

From the myth of the cave of Plato where some people manipulate various objects in front of  a light source so they cast their shadows before a group of chained spectators who contemplate fascinate and without questioning the only reality they know, passing through the baroque metaphor of the world as a Great theatre in which humanity represents a role written by the Great Author, to the Western society that progressively globalizes behaviours and acceptable conducts; Philosophy, Arts and Anthropology seem to consider that the reality/world/society on which human beings operate as a kind of scenic space on which individuals have to represent their roles. Continue reading “Assignment 2: Viceversa”

Assignment One – The non-familiar

Eirini Grigoriadu mentions the concept of distance in her essay about typologies published in the magazine “Ars Longa” in 2012, stating that the portraits of the German photographer Thomas Ruff offer a proximity to the individual where we can see each detail of another human being, although we are protected against a personal encounter. Continue reading “Assignment One – The non-familiar”

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Escritos y reflexiones diarias

Theory of Image

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En la retaguardia: Imagen, Identidad y memoria

Editado en Barcelona por Rebeca Pardo. ISSN 2385-7374


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